In the very first scene of Twin Peaks Season 1, we discover that Agent Cooper is speaking into a dictaphone.
Dale Cooper uses a SONY TC-510-2 dictaphone, a classic model from the 80s-90s. SONY was one of the leading manufacturers of dictaphones, considered to be at the cutting edge of technology.
Why does Cooper go into a dictaphone?
The most obvious reason is that he uses recordings to keep his notes, observations and thoughts on the Laura Palmer case and other mysteries in the series. It is a technique he uses to keep track of his thoughts and discoveries throughout the investigation. This method was very common at the time (90s), especially in his field work.
He records his voice constantly on his dictaphone, yet we never see him send these tapes. Yet another mystery of the Twin Peaks mythology!
Who is Cooper talking to? Diane.
In the series Twin Peaks, Diane is the name given by Agent Cooper to the person to whom he sends his audio recordings via his dictaphone. Diane is a mysterious figure in seasons 1 and 2, but we quickly understand that she must be an assistant or colleague to whom Cooper confides his thoughts and impressions about his investigations. Her exact identity remains a mystery for much of the series.
In season 3 of Twin Peaks, Diane appears as a character in her own right. She is played by actress Laura Dern, one of director David Lynch's favorite actresses.
In this season, Diane is portrayed as a former secretary to Agent Cooper at the FBI. Her role and importance in the story evolves throughout the season, revealing complex aspects of her character and history.
Diane and Dale Cooper's relationship, its role in the Twin Peaks mythology
The plot related to Diane in Twin Peaks season 3 is quite complex and multifaceted. Throughout the season, it is revealed that Diane had a close professional relationship with Agent Cooper in the past.
Gradually, elements of her past and true identity are gradually revealed, which adds to the intrigue. Diane also seems to have connections to other key characters in the series, and her involvement in the mysteries surrounding Twin Peaks is deepened as the season progresses.
Without revealing any major spoilers, his role is crucial for the understanding of certain events and for the advancement of the overall plot of the series!