The club, the association

La Chemise Club is an associative project designed as a social club centered on the passion for vintage, the promotion of responsible consumption and a more broadly cultural approach with strong roots in the local artistic scene.

La Chemise Club is an association law 1901.

This implies that it is non-profit. The income generated by sales on the website will be reused within the association so that it can carry out its cultural and solidarity activities.

Buying a shirt means supporting our association :-)

In 2022, La Chemise Club moved to its new premises in Bordeaux. A beautiful project that requires resources!

The Club will notably offer an associative café, activities around the themes of responsible consumption, vintage, upcycling but above all the arts in the plural, and creativity in the broad sense.

Membership (free of charge) to the association is already open:

See you soon, big kisses!

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